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Adobe is discontinuing the flash player
As you may or may not know all these games require the flash player.
As of now I’m not sure what I will be doing about this.
I am looking into some HTML5 games, or I may need to revamp this entire site.
Stay tuned for more information.

Dasher-397 viewsOur new puppy, Dasher, sleeping with my super olde stuft animal.

Secret Hiding Place-365 viewsPfft thinks she's so cool when she's in or under a cardboard box

Hammies-444 viewsMy hamsters, Escape and Pokey... with my friends hamster, Tub

Tub-291 viewsMy friends hamster. I place Tub under "pets" because she stays at my house.

Ratties-546 viewsNibbler and Nein

Noodle-268 viewsMy white, nearly blind rat.

Pooky-274 viewsMy puppy-dog, Pepper

Pfft and Sassy-321 viewsMy kitties battling it out

Pfft-316 views

RaeRR!-606 viewsMy monster. Piffle

Pfft-314 viewsSleeping on her fav chair

Pfft-327 viewsPlayin' in her box

Pfft-342 viewsRestin' on her fav chair

NOT INNOCENT-610 viewsThis is my most recent sound effect. I rescued her from an auction when she was just a few weeks old, cold and starving. *nods*
Her name is Pfft (more of a sound effect, yes... hence why she is called the Sound Effect). People who can't make that sound call her "Piffle" or "Piff"... or simply... MONSTER

Puzzle-289 viewsMy hooded rat, Puzzle. Very sweet animal indeed. Very gentle and loving.


Sky-322 viewsMy kitty that had her leg removed. She died of kidney failure

Sky-336 views

Not my pet, but still...-252 viewsThis is Snazzy. Snazzy is a horse of my friends... she's an old Arabian/Morgan. I luff her muches and ride her a lot more than the owner... but that's ok!

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