Adobe is discontinuing the flash player
As you may or may not know all these games require the flash player.
As of now I’m not sure what I will be doing about this.
I am looking into some HTML5 games, or I may need to revamp this entire site.
Stay tuned for more information.
Total jackpot for Mah Jongg Garden currently at 225 tokens.
Click two matching tiles to remove them. Only free tiles can be selected. Free tiles are not covered by any other tiles and have a free edge on the left or right side. There are two tilesets of each game. Click Deal New Tileset to move to the next tileset.
Alltime Highscores
1.angeleyes48 on Monday, September 08, 2014 (15:56:00) scored 10092Playtime : 05 Min. 20 Sec.