Debbie: ZvL1-KqBxk
15-Nov-2020 00:27:17
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Debbie: ZvL1-KqBxk 15-Nov-2020 00:27:17 RickC: Firefox may need Flashplayer added http://www.macrome hplayer 04-Feb-2017 20:37:30 redmolly: Who's on here anyway? 22-Nov-2013 11:15:06 RickC: Would you like to play a Game? 30-Oct-2013 02:03:08 RickC: Hello World! 02-Sep-2013 18:09:48 RickC: Shout it out! 05-May-2013 18:19:19
Adobe is discontinuing the flash player
As you may or may not know all these games require the flash player.
As of now I’m not sure what I will be doing about this.
I am looking into some HTML5 games, or I may need to revamp this entire site.
Stay tuned for more information.
I added 57 new games to the "** New Games **" category
It's at the bottom of the Categories list or you can select it from the menu. Games will stay here untill I get a chance to sort and test them, but they can still be played. It should, but may not keep your score. Remember to add the one you like to Your Favorites so you can find them later. Here is a link to the page Posted by RickC on Saturday, June 27, 2009 (23:39:18) (1205 reads)
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